Managing someone out is a tactic from the Dark Ages of professional employment. Here’s why, and how you can do better.
What’s Matrixed Leadership?
Matrixed leadership may be a solution when you have managers for whom dealing with people is not a strength
How to Create Your First Career Ladder
You need structure to define what a promotion means. If it’s been the Wild West up til now, here are the simplest steps to fix that.
What Does Promoting Someone Even Mean?
What does it mean to be promoted at your company? Why should it happen? Why should it definitely *not* happen?
Talented and Passionate: Both Are Wrong
Job descriptions and About Us company pages frequently use these two words. They shouldn’t.
So We Just Overwork All the Directors, Then?
If director level folks are so important, why do we expect them to be constantly trending towards burnout?
Burnout: What Can Managers Do?
Give your managers permission to help team members prevent burnout
Burnout: 3 Symptoms
Your body and mind respond in three distinct and terrible ways when you start to burn out. Mine did.
Burnout: 6 Causes
Part 1 of a larger discussion on burnout. Here are the six contributing factors, and your well-being is at risk from even one of them.
What If You Disagree With the CEO?
When executive direction doesn’t align with your values, it’s unhealthy to ignore it