The needs of the people are incredibly important. But they’re not priority number one.
What’s A Boss?
You’ve got a boss at work. But what does that really mean? What makes them your boss?
Wait What Does Accountability Even Mean?
Lots of folks complain about lack of accountability where they work. But what does holding someone accountable actually mean?
Why is Manager Training My Most Common Request?
What’s the most common consulting service I provide? Here’s what it is and the two reasons I think it’s so common.
Make Your 1:1s NOT a Waste of Time
Here’s a succinct list of starting ingredients for effective 1:1s
What Should Happen Before Firing Someone
Firing someone for underperformance is typically handled badly. Here’s how to do it better.
PIPs are, Generally, Crap
Performance improvement plans are almost always terrible. There’s a better way to handle performance.
The Coaching You Don’t Realize You Need
Many folks have two main views of what a coach can do for them. I suggest there’s a third, and it’s usually the most important.
Concrete Reasons Your Company Values Matter and What Matters Even More
Everyone pretty much has the same rough idea of “values”. They’re Important Things. They’re descriptive of our company today, or they’re statements about who we want to be in the future. Here’s where our understanding tends to waver: values should represent a standard of accountability for every – every – member of the company. If…
The ONE Way to Build Trust
Long ago I consulted for a video game publisher. They were publishing a game being developed by a game studio several time zones away. Things had not been going well when I arrived on the scene. There was lack of clarity around pretty much everything, but one thing was made very clear to me: the…